Lately the issue came doomsday will arrive in 2012 by islam

In Islam talks about eschatology becomes a separate field as a reflection of disclosure and metaphysical dimensions of divinity that is based on the verses contained in the Qur'an.
Eschatology comes from eschalos word in Greek meaning "last", "hereinafter", and "most distant". In general, the beliefs associated with late events of human life such as death, the Day of Judgement, day of the end of the world, at the end of history, and others. When word eschalos juxtaposed with the word logos which became eschatology in the Indonesian language means science or knowledge about these things end, things ultimate, or concerning the reality of the afterlife as the end of life such as death, resurrection, the last court, and the apocalypse as the end of the world. In summary, a western scientist Barnhart explained, "Eschatology is a doctrine of last or final Things, specially death, judgment, heaven and hell."
Aspects of eschatology in the Koran occupies an important position. Unlike any other book, the Koran is more detailed to explain the events that will happen on the Day of Resurrection. However, about when the coming day of Judgement, the Qur'an describes it as follows:
"They ask thee concerning the Hour: 'When is incurred.' Say: 'Verily the knowledge of the Day of Resurrection it is the Lord on my side, no one can explain the time of his arrival but Him. Doomsday is very heavy (for beings haranya turmoil) is in the heavens and on earth. Last Hour will not come to you but suddenly. 'They ask you as if you really know about it. Say: 'Verily the knowledge of the Day of Resurrection it is with Allah, but most people do not know.' "[Al-A'raaf: 187]
In another verse explained: "Men ask thee concerning the Hour. Say: 'Verily the knowledge of the Hour is with Allah only.' And do ye, O (Muhammad), may be the Hour is near the time. "[Al-Ahzaab: 63].
Also when the Angel Gabriel came to Prophet Muhammad PBUH. then asked: "All flesh to me, when there is Doomsday?" Then the Prophet. replied: "It is not people who were asked more aware than anyone who asks."
So it is clear that no one knows when will the Day of Judgement, good angel, the Prophet, or Apostle, this problem is a matter of supernatural and only Allah. only ones who know. Although the time of the day of Judgement no one knows it, but God will be exalted. tells His Messenger about the signs of the Apocalypse. Then the Holy Prophet. convey to his people about the signs of Doomsday. The scholars divided it into two: (first) small signs and (second) large signs.
Lately the issue came doomsday will arrive in 2012. This issue is discussed more intense everywhere along the approach of 2012, which is only 3 years from now. Even comes with the title of the movie also tells the 2012 apocalypse will happen in that year. The author does not know who brought this issue, but from the results of browsing the internet there stating that this issue originated from the ancient Mayan manuscript in Mexico are predicting that in 2012 a wave of massive galaxies would appear that resulted in all activities in the face of the Earth we live stalled. The Maya is one of the world's ancient tribe known as the tribe is a very detailed attention and count the stars and other celestial bodies.
Then in the book 'Apocalypse 2012' (Lawrence E. Joseph: 2007), author of the bloody Lebanese who served as Chairman of the Board of Directors Aerospace Consulting Corporation in New Mexico is presented very clearly and scientifically about the possibility of natural disasters in the year.
That disaster, among others: cycles of solar activity peaked in 2012 which led to tremendous heat in the earth, especially the atmosphere we are experiencing depletion and perforated in several parts so that in addition to heating the earth with radicals also melt the ice at the poles and also cause storm and hurricane powerful.
Earth's magnetic field that serves as the primary defense against solar radiation the earth began to crack and some even up for California cities here and there. Shifting poles are also ongoing.
Our solar system is entering the field of interstellar energy cloud. Clouds that activate and destroy the balance of the sun and the planets atmosphere. The Russian geophysicists believe that when the earth will enter the cloud of energy in the years 2010 to 2020 and will lead to major disasters like never before.
UC Berkeley physicist claimed dinosaurs and other species have become extinct due to a giant asteroid collision 65 million years ago. According cycle scientifically calculated, should it have happened again in a moment now.
Supervulkan Yellowstone who has massive eruption cycle every 600 to 700 thousand years is preparing to erupt again. Several other scientific perhitunmgan also support this view.
Even a Jewish spiritual leaders of the world named Titzchak Qadduri long ago had called for the Jewish people for as soon as possible to leave the continental United States because, according to his calculations, a giant comet or asteroid was gliding in the universe and lead and will grind toward the American mainland.
The authors also found no suggestion that other causes occurred doomsday, 2012, the Israeli Zionist evil plans to create a new world order or the New World Order. New world proclaimed by Israel Zionist group later by reducing the number of inhabitants of the earth by 90% and leaving the population that is its own faction.
The reduction amount is based on the fact that the world we have too many people, so that natural resources can no longer sustain the needs of the entire population of the earth, amounting to 6 billion. Therefore require a reduction in the population with a very large number, so that The New World will truly an embodiment of the new world inhabited only by creatures of choice.
The author does not know which opinion is correct, and also do not know if it was true in the year 2012 there will be doom. But certainly doom will surely happen. Moreover, the signs of Judgement the Prophet has described very clearly visible in front of us.
Many people may not realize that the world today is in a state where almost all small signs of Resurrection predicted by the Prophet Muhammad. have been popping up all. Take a look at some examples of small signs of Judgement the following:

* Divorce is a lot happening
* Many deaths occur suddenly (suddenly)
* Many ornate Manuscripts (ornament)
* Built magnificent mosques, stately but very few who worship there
* Various unilaterally breached the agreement and transactions
* Various musical instruments played
* Various types of wine drinking human
* Adultery is blatant
* The traitor trusted (given a leadership position)
* People who trust are considered traitors (criminals / terrorists)
* Spread of Pen (lots of books published)
* Markets (Mall, Plaza, Supermarket) adjacent
* Shedding of blood is considered mild
* Many eater of usury
* Rampant gambling
* Backbiting (rumors) spread everywhere
* Many children against their parents
* Many women dressed but naked
So if we consider, the examples above it is clear we encounter in our day today. Even if we open the books of the scholars who collected hadiths about the small signs of Judgement, then we read one by one the hadiths is almost certainly finished every one hadith we read we will soon be muttering in their hearts: "Gee, that this already ..! "This will always happen after every single word we read. Haula wa laa laa quwwata billah illa ....
If the small signs of Judgement was almost appears all means the condition of today's world on the verge of welcoming signs of Doomsday. And if this assumption is correct, it means that in the near future we all must get ready to welcome the arrival of a hyphen between small signs of Judgement with great signs of Judgement, the coming of Imam Mahdi to the center of the Islamic ummah. This is being in tune with the signal that the Prophet disclosed. about two pre-conditions before the coming of Imam Mahdi.

"I proclaim the good news about Al-Mahdi, sent from God into the middle of my ummah when many a dispute between people and earthquakes. He will fill the earth with justice and honesty as previously filled with health-judicial arbitrariness and injustice. "(Reported by Ahmad).
If that time has passed means it will come time where will appear the signs of the apocalypse. Among the major signs of impending doomsday described oleh.Rasulullah Saw. in his saying:
"Doomsday is not going to happen so that you see ten signs: (1) drowning the earth's surface in the east, (2) drowning the earth's surface in the west, (3) the earth's surface sinking in the Arabian Peninsula, (4) discharge of smoke, (5) discharge Dajjal, (6) the release of large animals, (7) discharge wa Ma'juj Gog, (8) the rising sun from the west, and (9) fire coming out from the bottom of the earth 'Eternity, the human herd, and (10) falling 'Isa ibn Maryam, upon whom be peace. "
Let us respond to this information with a positive, knows when doomsday will arrive, he's certainly going to come, this is as a reminder for us to realize that the earth is not eternal there will be a Judgement Day and eternal life and eternal afterlife in which we all asked for accountability before the Creator, then do good to all His creatures as stock facing him. If this is the year 2012 will end, solely because of his will. Allah SWT owner of this secret, he is not likely to know it, Allaah knows best bisshowab.