definition of love according to the hadist and religious leaders

Previously the word love a post about Pearl Words Friendship and Love well now that I present the Islamic Aphorisms on Love, Theme Love is not going to no end. The word love, according to Big Indonesian Dictionary, is a representative of the feelings of love, affection, or a deep longing. But in the context or content of a particular sentence, he can also represent feelings of sadness. Love is one of the unique source of strength in human beings. He became the driving force your heart and soul that will generate the attitudes, actions and behavior. Love can be like that found in the poems of blockbuster sebait Indonesia, When Love:Love is a force which is ablechange so the rose thornchange so wine vinegarchange the sad so cheerfulchange anger so friendlychange calamities so goodwill.
However, love can produce the opposite change: turning the rose became a thorn, and so on.
Such things could happen because love dwells in the hearts that are unstable. As word of the Prophet. It is easy terbolak liver and forth like a feather which swayed by the swirling wind. As deeds and our behavior are always sourced from the intentions and motivations in the heart, then love can come into being with the basic intent of various arts. There is a sincere love, full of eagerness. But there is also love full of thorns and poison. There is a love which is the fruit of faith and devotion. But there is also love based on lust despicable.For a Muslim and believe, the largest cnta and intrinsic love is love of God. Forms of love can we make happen in various forms without limits of space and time and to anyone or anything as long as it all comes from our devotion to God and for His good pleasure reach.And among men there are those who worship other than God's rivals: they loved him as they love God. As for those who believe very highly of his love for God. (Al-Baqarah: 165)If you (really) love Allah, follow me (follow Muhammad PBUH.), Allah will love you and forgive your sins. (Ali Imran: 31)

The rope is the strongest faith is love for God and hatred for God. "(Narrated by At-Tirmidhi)The words of love pearl
For love does not plunge us into a hole humiliation, it helps us learn from the sources of Islam and the sayings of the scholars follows.Love is a feeling that should exist on every soul of man, he is like a drop of dew that fell from the sky, clean and pure. Just a berlain tanahnyalah-lainan accept it. If he fell into an uninhabited land, it grows because of dew iniquity, lie, liar, steps and other oblique cases are disgraceful. But if he falls to the ground is fertile, there will grow kesuciaan heart, sincere, faithful high manners and other admirable temperament.Hamka
Love is not teaching us weak, but generate power. Love teaches us not humiliate ourselves, but breathed valor. Love not weaken the spirit, but uplifting.Hamka
A sign of love to God is a lot considering the (call) him, because it is not you like something unless you will be a lot to remember.Ar-Rabi 'bin Anas (Jami' al-ulum wal Hikam, Ibn Rajab)
I laughed (surprise) to the person chasing (love) when mortality continues mengincarnya world, and to those who neglect death but death never fails to them, and to those who laughed with all her mouth but does not know whether pleasure or anger toward their Lord .Salman al Farisi (Az Zuhd, Imam Ahmad)
Indeed if the body aches then eating and drinking difficult to swallow, rest and sleep are also not comfortable. Similarly, if the liver has been shackled by love of the world, then advice is hard to enter.Malik bin Dinar (Hilyatul Auliyaa ')
Love your modest lover alone, who knows later on will become your enemy. Modest and hate your enemy alone, who knows later on will be your boyfriend.Ali ibn Abi Talib
You do disobedience to Allah, when you claim to love Him? Really weird situation like this. If kecintaanmu is sincere, of course you will obey Him. For indeed, those who love it would always be loyal to those he loves.Al-Qorni A'idhThus some excerpts from some Islamic leaders that hopefully we can take lesson. May God allows me to add to this collection and give benefit to the reader.

love words

Love is a force which is able
change so the rose thorn
change so wine vinegar
change the sad so cheerful
change anger so friendly
change calamities so goodwill.

pearl and hadiths words

Love your modest lover alone, who knows later on will become your enemy. Modest and hate your enemy alone, who knows later on will be your boyfriend. (Ali ibn Abi Talib)

The most profitable property is PATIENCE. The most intimate friend is CHARITY. Guards peribadi is STILL the most vigilant. Language is the sweetest SMILE. And of course the most beautiful worship fervently.

Learn Science, because the study it because God is khasyah, demand it is worship, study is Tasbih, is looking for Jihad, teach it to people who do not know is Sadaqah, leave it to experts is Taqarrub. Science is close friends and companions in solitude in the silence. - Muadz bin Jabal Radhiyyallahu anhu

Lately the issue came doomsday will arrive in 2012 by islam

In Islam talks about eschatology becomes a separate field as a reflection of disclosure and metaphysical dimensions of divinity that is based on the verses contained in the Qur'an.
Eschatology comes from eschalos word in Greek meaning "last", "hereinafter", and "most distant". In general, the beliefs associated with late events of human life such as death, the Day of Judgement, day of the end of the world, at the end of history, and others. When word eschalos juxtaposed with the word logos which became eschatology in the Indonesian language means science or knowledge about these things end, things ultimate, or concerning the reality of the afterlife as the end of life such as death, resurrection, the last court, and the apocalypse as the end of the world. In summary, a western scientist Barnhart explained, "Eschatology is a doctrine of last or final Things, specially death, judgment, heaven and hell."
Aspects of eschatology in the Koran occupies an important position. Unlike any other book, the Koran is more detailed to explain the events that will happen on the Day of Resurrection. However, about when the coming day of Judgement, the Qur'an describes it as follows:
"They ask thee concerning the Hour: 'When is incurred.' Say: 'Verily the knowledge of the Day of Resurrection it is the Lord on my side, no one can explain the time of his arrival but Him. Doomsday is very heavy (for beings haranya turmoil) is in the heavens and on earth. Last Hour will not come to you but suddenly. 'They ask you as if you really know about it. Say: 'Verily the knowledge of the Day of Resurrection it is with Allah, but most people do not know.' "[Al-A'raaf: 187]
In another verse explained: "Men ask thee concerning the Hour. Say: 'Verily the knowledge of the Hour is with Allah only.' And do ye, O (Muhammad), may be the Hour is near the time. "[Al-Ahzaab: 63].
Also when the Angel Gabriel came to Prophet Muhammad PBUH. then asked: "All flesh to me, when there is Doomsday?" Then the Prophet. replied: "It is not people who were asked more aware than anyone who asks."
So it is clear that no one knows when will the Day of Judgement, good angel, the Prophet, or Apostle, this problem is a matter of supernatural and only Allah. only ones who know. Although the time of the day of Judgement no one knows it, but God will be exalted. tells His Messenger about the signs of the Apocalypse. Then the Holy Prophet. convey to his people about the signs of Doomsday. The scholars divided it into two: (first) small signs and (second) large signs.
Lately the issue came doomsday will arrive in 2012. This issue is discussed more intense everywhere along the approach of 2012, which is only 3 years from now. Even comes with the title of the movie also tells the 2012 apocalypse will happen in that year. The author does not know who brought this issue, but from the results of browsing the internet there stating that this issue originated from the ancient Mayan manuscript in Mexico are predicting that in 2012 a wave of massive galaxies would appear that resulted in all activities in the face of the Earth we live stalled. The Maya is one of the world's ancient tribe known as the tribe is a very detailed attention and count the stars and other celestial bodies.
Then in the book 'Apocalypse 2012' (Lawrence E. Joseph: 2007), author of the bloody Lebanese who served as Chairman of the Board of Directors Aerospace Consulting Corporation in New Mexico is presented very clearly and scientifically about the possibility of natural disasters in the year.
That disaster, among others: cycles of solar activity peaked in 2012 which led to tremendous heat in the earth, especially the atmosphere we are experiencing depletion and perforated in several parts so that in addition to heating the earth with radicals also melt the ice at the poles and also cause storm and hurricane powerful.
Earth's magnetic field that serves as the primary defense against solar radiation the earth began to crack and some even up for California cities here and there. Shifting poles are also ongoing.
Our solar system is entering the field of interstellar energy cloud. Clouds that activate and destroy the balance of the sun and the planets atmosphere. The Russian geophysicists believe that when the earth will enter the cloud of energy in the years 2010 to 2020 and will lead to major disasters like never before.
UC Berkeley physicist claimed dinosaurs and other species have become extinct due to a giant asteroid collision 65 million years ago. According cycle scientifically calculated, should it have happened again in a moment now.
Supervulkan Yellowstone who has massive eruption cycle every 600 to 700 thousand years is preparing to erupt again. Several other scientific perhitunmgan also support this view.
Even a Jewish spiritual leaders of the world named Titzchak Qadduri long ago had called for the Jewish people for as soon as possible to leave the continental United States because, according to his calculations, a giant comet or asteroid was gliding in the universe and lead and will grind toward the American mainland.
The authors also found no suggestion that other causes occurred doomsday, 2012, the Israeli Zionist evil plans to create a new world order or the New World Order. New world proclaimed by Israel Zionist group later by reducing the number of inhabitants of the earth by 90% and leaving the population that is its own faction.
The reduction amount is based on the fact that the world we have too many people, so that natural resources can no longer sustain the needs of the entire population of the earth, amounting to 6 billion. Therefore require a reduction in the population with a very large number, so that The New World will truly an embodiment of the new world inhabited only by creatures of choice.
The author does not know which opinion is correct, and also do not know if it was true in the year 2012 there will be doom. But certainly doom will surely happen. Moreover, the signs of Judgement the Prophet has described very clearly visible in front of us.
Many people may not realize that the world today is in a state where almost all small signs of Resurrection predicted by the Prophet Muhammad. have been popping up all. Take a look at some examples of small signs of Judgement the following:

* Divorce is a lot happening
* Many deaths occur suddenly (suddenly)
* Many ornate Manuscripts (ornament)
* Built magnificent mosques, stately but very few who worship there
* Various unilaterally breached the agreement and transactions
* Various musical instruments played
* Various types of wine drinking human
* Adultery is blatant
* The traitor trusted (given a leadership position)
* People who trust are considered traitors (criminals / terrorists)
* Spread of Pen (lots of books published)
* Markets (Mall, Plaza, Supermarket) adjacent
* Shedding of blood is considered mild
* Many eater of usury
* Rampant gambling
* Backbiting (rumors) spread everywhere
* Many children against their parents
* Many women dressed but naked
So if we consider, the examples above it is clear we encounter in our day today. Even if we open the books of the scholars who collected hadiths about the small signs of Judgement, then we read one by one the hadiths is almost certainly finished every one hadith we read we will soon be muttering in their hearts: "Gee, that this already ..! "This will always happen after every single word we read. Haula wa laa laa quwwata billah illa ....
If the small signs of Judgement was almost appears all means the condition of today's world on the verge of welcoming signs of Doomsday. And if this assumption is correct, it means that in the near future we all must get ready to welcome the arrival of a hyphen between small signs of Judgement with great signs of Judgement, the coming of Imam Mahdi to the center of the Islamic ummah. This is being in tune with the signal that the Prophet disclosed. about two pre-conditions before the coming of Imam Mahdi.

"I proclaim the good news about Al-Mahdi, sent from God into the middle of my ummah when many a dispute between people and earthquakes. He will fill the earth with justice and honesty as previously filled with health-judicial arbitrariness and injustice. "(Reported by Ahmad).
If that time has passed means it will come time where will appear the signs of the apocalypse. Among the major signs of impending doomsday described oleh.Rasulullah Saw. in his saying:
"Doomsday is not going to happen so that you see ten signs: (1) drowning the earth's surface in the east, (2) drowning the earth's surface in the west, (3) the earth's surface sinking in the Arabian Peninsula, (4) discharge of smoke, (5) discharge Dajjal, (6) the release of large animals, (7) discharge wa Ma'juj Gog, (8) the rising sun from the west, and (9) fire coming out from the bottom of the earth 'Eternity, the human herd, and (10) falling 'Isa ibn Maryam, upon whom be peace. "
Let us respond to this information with a positive, knows when doomsday will arrive, he's certainly going to come, this is as a reminder for us to realize that the earth is not eternal there will be a Judgement Day and eternal life and eternal afterlife in which we all asked for accountability before the Creator, then do good to all His creatures as stock facing him. If this is the year 2012 will end, solely because of his will. Allah SWT owner of this secret, he is not likely to know it, Allaah knows best bisshowab.

Who is the Antichrist and Gog Wa Ma'Juj

Who is the Antichrist and Gog Wa Ma'Juj

Analysis by

Maulana Muhammad Ali

The Prophet warned his community against fitnahnya Antichrist. In the Hadith is stated as bright-Â he explained as follows:
"There is no greater slander than fitnahnya Antichrist, since the creation of Adam to the Last Judgement."
Who is the Antichrist & Meaningnya?
Dajjal is a man of Jewish descent. He's not a genie or apajua other beings as human beings than he was suspended death "Minal Munzharin" Prophet Isa as distinguished in the host by Allah Almighty to the sky and suspended his death so he will go down initially on this earth and he will die and buried in Madinah Al Munawwarah. Likewise with the devil who in his death so suspend Judgement.
The word comes from the word dajala Dajjal, meaning, to cover (something). Dictionary Lisanul-'Arab express some opinions of why it is called Antichrist. According to an opinion, he is called Dajjal because he is a liar who covered the truth with falsehood. Another opinion says, because he covered the earth with the number is large. The third opinion says, because he covered the man with disbelief. Fourth, because it is spread and covered the entire face of the earth.
Another opinion says that the Antichrist was a nation that spread his wares around the world, that is, covering the world with his wares. There are also opinions that say it was called Dajjal because he says things contrary to her heart, that is, she covered the real purpose with false words.
Dajjaal AND Yajuj WA-MA'JUJ
The word Antichrist is not mentioned in the Qur'an, but in the authentic Hadith explained, that the first paragraph ten and last ten verses of Surat al-Kahf fitnahnya protect the people of the Antichrist, so according to this Hadith, the Qur'an who motioned that the Antichrist.
"Whoever memorized the ten first verses of Surat Al-Kahf, he will be safe from
(Fitnahnya) Antichrist. "
"Anyone who read the last ten verses of Surat al-Kahf, he will be safe from (fitnahnya) Antichrist."
10 & 10 past the first verse Surah Al-Kahf
Perhaps, in ten verses refer to the first and last ten verses, that the target is the whole surah Al-Kahf which depicts the threat of Christians who beraspek two, which one is religious, and others are mundane.
Kristian religious defamation of God's children - Jesus (Isa)
This is a picture of the Western nations had been predicted by clear words. Making things is a skill and pride of the ummah Christians, and characteristics typical of this is intended by the verse. They are competing to make the goods, and they are so busy datam this matter, so that their vision will be the values of the high life, become blurred at all. Â Make-goods items, again making the goods, is the only purpose of their lives in the world. So, the first ten verses and last ten verses of Al-Kahf explain clearly the dangers of Christian teachings about the Son of God, and about the activities of Christian nations in the field material, and this is what is meant by fitnahnya Antichrist.
They were given different names because they have two different functions.
As for the identity of Gog wa-Ma'juj the same mufassir no opinion. Ibn Kathir said, that the wa-Ma'juj Gog was a descendant of Adam, and the opinion was upheld by the Hadith Bukhari and Muslim. According to the book-Ma'ani Ruhul, Gog waÂMa'juj are descendants of two tribes Yafits son of Noah, which the Turks are some of them: they called Turkey, because they turiku (left) in the naturally wall. In addition, according to the description of Al-Qur'an, so that they are bright human compatriots, who to obstruct their invasion, had built a wall.
As for the second, wa-Ma'juj Yajuj described in the Qur'an as follows: "Until, when Gog wa-Ma'juj removed, they will flow from every high place" (20:96). It turns out that what is meant by the phrase "flowing from every high place" is that they will rule the entire world. Given how Al-Qur'an wa-Ma'juj Yajuj explained in two places, once the light that will come when Gog wa-Ma'juj beat all the nations of the world. And light also that at the time the Qur'an was revealed, Gog wa-Â Ma'juj already exist, but their movements are still confined to a particular moment, that after that, they will be separated for
control the whole world.
Biblical version>>>


In the book of the Bible, Gog wa-Ma'juj described with words very clearly, so no doubt who the Gog and Ma'juj it.
Here Juj described as bright-light, and Juj here is the same as the Gog in the Qur'an. He is said to be the king of Russia, Moscow and Tubal. The Majuj (Ma'juj), just say "Ma'juj ground."
The three names mentioned in the book of the Bible are: Rus or Russia, Masekh or Moscow, and Tubal or Tobolsk. Russia is the name of the country, while Omask and Tubal is the name of two rivers in the north of the Caucasus mountains. On the river lies the city of Moscow Omask, and the river lies the city of Tobolsk Tubal; two of them is the renowned Russian city. Given the brightness of this picture, then no doubt who was Gog.
So the light once that Juj is Russia, where the residence of the Slavs. The Ma'juj is that country as well. So on the one hand, Juj said to be the king of Russia, on the other hand, he described Majuj inhabit the land. Russia lies in Europe. European population consists of two main tribes, nations, namely Slavic and Teutonia. Teutonia Nations include the British and the Germans. This shows the bright-light that Juj is the name of the nations of Eastern Europe (Slavic), while Majuj is the name of Western European nations, namely the Teutonia.
And the light of these two nations also that initially all inhabit the same land. Perhaps, Juj and Majuj is the name or nickname ancestors of two of this nation. This is evident in the fact that the statue of Gog and ma'juj it since time immemorial been standing in front of the Guildhall in London is renowned. If two names have nothing to do with the ancestors of these nations, why the statue they were installed in front of the House of Representatives
Her body properties:
R.a Huzaifah Hadith he said: The Messenger s.a.w. hath said: Dajjal is blind left eye, heavy (long) hair and she has Heaven and Hell. Heaven and Hell is also Syurganya is Hell (Sahih Muslim) There are several characteristics distinguished stature Antichrist mentioned in the Hadith Rasulullahsaw, including: A young man who seems; Got So Big and somewhat reddish; kerinting and thick hair. Visible from the rear as if the thick branches of wood.
And most ketara sign once there are two First: Blind left eye and looked like a raisin who wryly, when his right eye out tertonjol greenish flickering like a star. So both eyes are cacat.Kedua: Written forehead reading "Infidel (Kaf-Fa-Ra)". This paper can be read by every org Islam, the same is he good at reading or not. At follow-Thabrani hadith, both of these signs in themselves incarnate the Antichrist after he claimed to be God. As before, the two-two tandayg latter have in him.
SIGNS Dajjaal.
I. Heaven and Hell Antichrist
"He (Antichrist) will come with a sort of heaven and hell, and what he said was true heaven, hell" (Misykat, page 473).
And he will bring water and fire. And what people saw water, it's actually consuming fire, and what the people saw the fire, iiu actually a cool fresh water "(Misykat, page 473)
"He will bring mountain rivers full of bread and water" (Kanzul-'Â Ummal, volume VII, page 2985).
II. Speed and vehicle Dajjal
We asked: O Messenger of Allah, how quickly the trip Antichrist on earth? He replied: as fast cloud in the wind "(chapter Misykat Dajjal).
"The earth will be rolled up for him, he grasped the clouds in his right hand, and precedes the sun in place of its setting; sea-legs only as deep as eye; in front of him is a mountain full of smoke" (Kanzul-'Ummal, volume VII, page 2998).
"He will be jumping up and down between heaven and earth" (Abu Dawud).
"Dajjal will come with a white donkey ride; the distance between the two ears is the seventy-yard" (Misykat, page 477)

wise words

Reluctant to Switch
Want to feel forgotten in the heart of this, but what instinct power are reluctant to switch to another memory.

Everyone who fear will flee, each person who love will search, and everyone who loves God will be unfamiliar with other fellow creatures.

love of God
Despite how small a person love God, and so I enjoy it more than seventy years of worship.

 Love and Hate Naturally
Love the person you love minimally. Who knows, someday, he will turn out to be the person you hate. And, hate those who hate you minimally. Who knows, someday, he will become the person you loved.

Source Goodness
Make you mine the source of goodness, and make good all the painful errors. Indeed you can see what you are doing and be able to hear what you say.

definition digital tv

Talk to the concept of convergence in the audio video industry was already quite long it lasts. Than just a device that can serve many needs until the unification of many audio video devices into a network system.
It may be claimed that almost all of the latest release of audio video products has a function convergence. Ranging from audio video system multiruang that serve various needs of music and film entertainment to every room in the house independently to the receiver audio video devices based internet and intranet.
In fact, two brands of the multimedia industry, Sony and Slingmedia, has launch a TV system that frees us from space and time. In that sense, wherever and whenever we watch a possible conventional TV stations, cable TV, as well as from chip DVD.
For this article, we tried to focus on two technologies in the audio video forecast would change our behavior while enjoying entertainment "seen and heard 'at home. They both have some similarities, though has the purpose or different media. The former serves as the' heart 'of a entertainment or home theater system at home, while others chose television as a medium.
Both devices 'receivers networking' and 'TV server' is to adopt a system that has been already known in the world of information technology. They are also based on broadband internet intranet.
No wonder if they would prefer the flexibility rather than the quality of audio video devices in real terms. In this context, both "receivers networking" (we take samples of products from Yamaha RX-N600) and the "TV Server" (we review the performance of Sony's TV Server and the Slingbox from Slingmedia) selecting media streaming technology as a container for audio and video signals.
Based on "broadband"
In the meeting journalists in Asia held in Singapore late last August, Yamaha states that all product releases audio video receivers (AV receiver) will be based networking. Besides going to add the code "N" on each product name, Yamaha receiver will be utilizing an intranet network in spreading the sound and picture signals to different room where he was, plus the Internet in developing their functions.
Thus, Yamaha AV receivers will always be able to perform duties as a 'broker' the voice signal and image that comes into her, and then distributed to many rooms with different demands. That is, the needs of your music in the den and the needs of your child's animated films have in their bedrooms, all can be served at the same time.
One series of AV receivers based networking products from Yamaha RX-N600 is this. In the family, the latest receiver brand based in the city of Hamamatsu, Japan, the RX-N600, accounting for intermediate products. Items priced in the range of USD 4-5 million was used as the earliest example of Yamaha's intention to hold a lot of internet-based receivers such products, before releasing a version of the class on it, like the RX-VN2700.
To be able to perform its function well, the RX-N600 requires a broadband Internet network with an ethernet system as the connecting medium. No wonder that when the process of setting up, there are similarities when you are setting up a computer that works on a network. Among others, the most obvious, the RX-N600 is also need an IP Address, DNS, Gateway, and so forth. After that the receiver will automatically perform the following settings, among others, seeking the source of the signal can he serve on the network.
After the easy setup process is completed, we tried internet radio function. If the prerequisite can be provided with broadband internet properly, internet radio functions work can be done in seconds. Around 17 countries will soon be an internet radio sites posted.
"Sound enchancer"
Based on the quality of radio broadcasts to find a radio that is located in Colorado, USA. Had a brief buffering process, eventually the RX-N600 streaming broadcast radio.
You need not be too disappointed with the quality of compressed voice you hear as the RX-N600 provides features "sound enhancer", ie a kind of processing which make corrections to the sound quality. Provided for the benefit of two-channel (stereo), which is much better, with detailed treble and bass are more prominent.
Or if not satisfied, you also can change the signal stream is in formation multichannel (multichannel). RX-N600 has formations surround 6.1 (six satellite speakers and one subwoofer). Thus, the impression to Internet radio broadcasts in the form of streaming sound can be reproduced as surround sound.
For better quality, the RX-N600 is also capable of delivering voice (music) from the forms of other compressed sound files. He is compatible with MP3, WAV, and WMA (unfortunately AAC from Apple and Sony's Atrac not compatible). RX-N600 will do the work a kind of peer-to-peer sharing Napster ever done, but the level of local network (intranet). He is looking for the folder where the compressed music files in the existing PC.
When the can, the RX-N600 will read the title of the files are on the screen so you can choose which files to be played. Do not imagine RX-N600 also plays a player function. These functions remain on your PC or Mac where the files were located.
Through Microsoft's Media Centre software that can be downloaded for free at their official site, the files are played in a playlist. In turn, the RX-N600 will reproduce the signals from the network into an existing surround system. Or if you want to, can also be spread to another room in the employment context multiruang.
"TV Server"
Through the concept of convergence as well, eventually you are allowed to watch live TV shows and collections of multimedia files anywhere and anytime. This technology makes television is no longer bound by time and space.
Through this technology also, you are allowed to watch TV via 3G mobile phones, portable media player, or on the internet. You can also download the program who have not had time to watch, or even watch live television events. This never happened during the World Cup viewed directly in some countries, like Japan, Korea, and England (in this country conducted by the BBC).
How do I can watch anything and anywhere? Maybe the principle is essentially the same by bringing your TV (though only up to the garage), the following flex own decoder and satellite dish. So, you can imagine you can watch your favorite shows via broadcast satellite dishes are everywhere.
Impressions of "streaming"
The point is a streaming video system. Increasing the network (including internet) in our lives, making this technology is actually quite helpful to consumers who are busy due to not lose entertainment activities.
So, the "TV Server" presents TV programs across a computer network, either wired or wireless. You can watch and simultaneously controls the tuner unit, a DVD recorder, and the like. In fact, the release device has a TV tuner Slingmedia analog / digital in itself.
Anywhere in the world, if you can get a network connection and broadband internet to your device, "TV Server" can be enabled. So, it could be done from your home computer that had kept the hard-disk recording program or a DVD collection. Then, connect via internet to the gadget (as a media slot, or as a TV), just download and watch.
Sony shows the "TV Server" his first time to journalists in an internet cafe in Japan Telecom company NTT, Tokyo Head Office. In a demonstration of these products are shown in each country can watch live TV from any location where you are. While relaxing in a cafe in Tokyo at 14:00 pm while watching the morning broadcast from the BBC Breakfast News live.
The main station "TV Server" connected with a unit resembling a digital tuner or cable TV satellite dish. This tool is usually equipped with a built-in tuner. Tuner function signal stream TV to the device, via built-in wireless network or the Internet, directly to a PC, laptop, gadgets or devices that will work with special software "TV Server" provided by the manufacturer. So, you can watch and control units anywhere online.
For "TV Server" from Sony, is also designed to work with Sony PlayStation Portable (PSP) as a TV. Sony also designed this system to work together with mobile phone Sony-Ericsson smartphone release. So, impressions "TV Server" even more freely.
In fact, when we tried it on the fast train Shinkansen, NHK impressions which we watched through the PSP can be done.
Server computer that serves as his TV stations have two sets of composite video inputs and stereo audio jack. Then, an infrared flasher outputs for controlling external devices, as well as an Ethernet connection. Set-up device is usually done with software Sony-Simple.
As for product releases Slingmedia (they call it a Slingbox) equipped with a pair of Netgear XE102 unit, to carry data between the Slingbox and the main router. Then, the software guides you install SlingPlayer. As media exposure, they chose a laptop that have first installed SlingPlayer software. Thus, the aspect of your mobility also remain undisturbed and favorite shows were no longer overlooked.

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Dalam kitab Bible, Ya’juj wa-Ma’juj diuraikan dengan kata-kata yang amat jelas, sehingga tak diragukan lagi siapa Ya’juj dan Ma’juj itu.
Di sini Juj diuraikan seterang-terangnya, dan Juj di sini adalah sama dengan Ya’juj dalam Al-Qur’an. Dia dikatakan sebagai raja Rusia, Moscow dan Tubal. Adapun Majuj (Ma’juj), hanya dikatakan “tanah Ma’juj”.
Tiga nama yang disebutkan dalam kitab Bible ialah: Rus atau Rusia, Masekh atau Moscow, dan Tubal atau Tobolsk. Rusia adalah nama negara, sedangkan Omask dan Tubal adalah nama dua sungai di sebelah Utara pegunungan Kaukasus. Pada sungai Omask terletak kota Moscow, dan pada sungai Tubal terletak kota Tobolsk; dua-duanya merupakan kota Rusia yang termasyur. Mengingat terangnya gambaran ini, maka tak diragukan lagi siapa Ya’juj itu.
Jadi terang sekali bahwa Juj ialah Russia, tempat kediaman bangsa Slavia. Adapun Ma’juj adalah negara itu juga. Jadi di satu fihak, Juj dikatakan sebagai raja Rusia, di lain fihak, ia digambarkan mendiami tanah Majuj. Rusia terletak di Eropa. Penduduk Eropa terdiri dari dua pokok suku-bangsa, yaitu Slavia dan Teutonia. Bangsa Teutonia meliputi bangsa Britis dan bangsa Jerman. Ini menunjukkan seterang-terangnya bahwa Juj adalah nama bangsa-bangsa Eropa Timur (Slavia), sedangkan Majuj adalah nama bangsa-bangsa Eropa Barat, yaitu bangsa Teutonia.
Dan terang pula bahwa dua bangsa ini mula-mula sekali mendiami tanah yang sama. Boleh jadi, Juj dan Majuj adalah nama atau julukan nenek-moyang dua bangsa ini. Hal ini dibuktikan adanya kenyataan bahwa patung Ya’juj dan ma’juj itu sejak zaman dahulu sudah berdiri di depan Guildhall di London yang termasyur. Jika dua nama itu tak ada hubungannya dengan nenek-moyang bangsa-bangsa ini, mengapa patung mereka itu dipasang di depan gedung Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat
Sifat Badannya:
Hadis Huzaifah r.a katanya: Rasulullah s.a.w. telah bersabda: Dajjal ialah orang yang buta matanya sebelah kiri, lebat (panjang) rambutnya serta dia mempunyai Syurga dan Neraka. Nerakanya itu merupakan Syurga dan Syurganya pula ialah Neraka (Hadis Sahih Muslim)Ada beberapa ciri perawakan Dajjal yg disebutkan dalam Hadis Rasulullahsaw, diantaranya:Seorang yg kelihatannya masih muda; Berbadan Besar dan agak kemerah-merahan; Rambutnya kerinting dan tebal. Kelihatan dari belakang seolah-olah dahan kayu yg rimbun.
Dan tandanya yg paling ketara sekali ada dua Pertama: Buta mata kirinya dan kelihatan seperti buah kismis yg kecut, manakala mata kanannya tertonjol keluar kehijau-hijauan berkelip-kelip laksana bintang. Jadi kedua-dua matanya adalah cacat.Kedua: Tertulis didahinya tulisan “Kafir (Kaf-Fa-Ra)”. Tulisan ini dapat dibaca oleh setiap org Islam, sama ada ia pandai membaca atau tidak. Mengikut hadis riwayat At-Thabrani, kedua-dua tanda ini menjelma dalam diri Dajjal setelah ia mengaku sebagai Tuhan. Adapun sebelum itu, kedua-dua tandayg terakhir ini belum ada pada dirinya.
I. Sorga dan Neraka Dajjal
“Ia (Dajjal) akan datang dengan membawa semacam sorga dan neraka; dan apa yang ia katakan sorga itu sebenarnya, neraka” (Misykat, halaman 473).
Dan ia akan membawa air dan api. Dan apa yang orang-orang melihatnya air, itu sebenarnya api yang menghanguskan; dan apa yang orang-orang melihatnya api, iiu sebenarnya air tawar yang sejuk” (Misykat, halaman 473)
“la akan membawa gunung roti dan sungai penuh air “(Kanzul-’Â Ummal, jilid VII, halaman 2985).
II. Kecepatan dan kendaraan Dajjal
Kami bertanya: Wahai Rasulullah, bagaimanakah cepatnya perjalanan Dajjal di muka bumi? Beliau menjawab: seperti cepatnya awan ditiup angin” (Misykat bab Dajjal).
“Bumi akan digulung untuknya; ia menggenggam awan di tangan kanannya, dan mendahului matahari di tempat terbenamnya; lautan hanya sedalam mata-kakinya; di depannya adalah gunung yang penuh asap” (Kanzul-’Ummal, jilid VII, halaman 2998).
“Ia akan meloncat-loncat di antara langit dan bumi” (Abu Dawud).
“Dajjal akan muncul dengan naik keledai putih; yang jarak antara dua telinganya adalah tujuh puluh yard” (Misykat, halaman 477)

Siapa Dajjal & Ya’juj Wa Ma’Juj

November 1st, 2009

Siapa Dajjal & Ya’juj Wa Ma’Juj

Analisis oleh
Maulana Muhammad Ali
Nabi memperingatkan ummatnya terhadap fitnahnya Dajjal. Dalam Hadits dinyatakan seterang-Â terangnya sbb:
“Tak ada fitnah yang lebih besar daripada fitnahnya Dajjal, sejak terciptanya Adam hingga Hari Kiamat”.
Siapa Dajjal & Meaningnya?
Dajjal adalah seorang manusia dari keturunan Yahudi. Dia bukan Jin atau apajua makhluk lain selain ia sebagai manusia yg ditangguhkan ajalnya “Minal Munzharin” seperti halnya Nabi Isa as yg di angkat oleh Allah swt ke atas langit dan ditangguhkan kematiannya sehingga beliau nantinya turun semula ke atas muka bumi ini lalu beliau akan mati dan di kuburkan di Madinah Al Munawwarah. Sama juga halnya dgn Iblis yg di tangguhkan kematiannya sehingga kiamat nanti.
Kata Dajjal berasal dari kata dajala, artinya, menutupi (sesuatu). Kamus Lisanul-’Arab mengemukakan beberapa pendapat mengapa disebut Dajjal. Menurut suatu pendapat, ia disebut Dajjal karena ia adalah pembohong yang menutupi kebenaran dengan kepalsuan. Pendapat lainnya mengatakan, karena ia menutupi bumi dengan bilangannya yang besar. Pendapat ketiga mengatakan, karena ia menutupi manusia dengan kekafiran. Keempat, karena ia tersebar dan menutupi seluruh muka bumi.
Pendapat lain mengatakan, bahwa Dajjal itu bangsa yang menyebarkan barang dagangannya ke seluruh dunia, artinya, menutupi dunia dengan barang dagangannya. Ada juga pendapat yang mengatakan, bahwa ia dijuluki Dajjal karena mengatakan hal-hal yang bertentangan dengan hatinya, artinya, ia menutupi maksud yang sebenarnya dengan kata-kata palsu.
Kata Dajjal tak tertera dalam Al-Qur’an, tetapi dalam Hadits sahih diterangkan, bahwa sepuluh ayat pertama dan sepuluh ayat terakhir dari surat al-Kahfi melindungi orang dari fitnahnya Dajjal, jadi menurut Hadits ini, Al-Quran memberi isyarat siapakah Dajjal itu.
“Barang siapa hapal sepuluh ayat pertama Surat Al-Kahfi, ia akan selamat dari
(fitnahnya) Dajjal.”
“Barang siapa membaca sepuluh ayat terakhir dari surat Al-Kahfi, ia akan selamat dari (fitnahnya) Dajjal.”
10 ayat pertama & 10 terakhir Surah Al-Kahfi
Boleh jadi, dalam menyebut sepuluh ayat pertama dan sepuluh ayat terakhir, itu yang dituju ialah seluruh surat Al-Kahfi yang melukiskan ancaman Nasrani yang beraspek dua, yang satu bersifat keagamaan, dan yang lain bersifat keduniaan.
Fitnah ajaran agama Kristian mengenai anak Tuhan — Jesus (Isa a.s)
Ini adalah gambaran tentang bangsa-bangsa Barat yang diramalkan dengan kata-kata yang jelas. Membuat barang adalah keahlian dan kebanggaan ummat Nasrani, dan ciri-khas inilah yang dituju oleh ayat tersebut. Mereka berlomba-lomba membuat barang-barang, dan mereka begitu sibuk datam urusan ini, sehingga penglihatan mereka akan nilai-nilai kehidupan yang tinggi, menjadi kabur sama sekali. Membuat barang-Â barang, sekali lagi membuat barang-barang, adalah satu-satunya tujuan hidup mereka di dunia. Jadi, sepuluh ayat pertama dan sepuluh ayat terakhir surat Al-Kahfi menerangkan dengan jelas bahayanya ajaran Kristen tentang Putra Allah, dan tentang kegiatan bangsa-bangsa Kristen di lapangan kebendaan, dan inilah yang dimaksud dengan fitnahnya Dajjal.
Mereka diberi nama yang berlainan karena mempunyai dua fungsi yang berlainan.
Adapun mengenai identitas Ya’juj wa-Ma’juj para mufassir tak sama pendapatnya. Ibnu Katsir berkata, bahwa Ya’juj wa-Ma’juj adalah keturunan Adam, dan pendapat ini dikuatkan oleh Hadits Bukhari dan Muslim. Menurut kitab Ruhul-Ma’ani, Ya’juj wa­Ma’juj adalah dua kabilah keturunan Yafits bin Nuh, yang bangsa Turki adalah sebagian dari mereka; mereka disebut Turki, karena mereka turiku (ditinggalkan) di sebelah sananya tembok. Selain itu, menurut uraian Al-Qur’an, terang sekali bahwa mereka adalah sebangsa manusia, yang untuk menghalang-halangi serbuan mereka, terpaksa dibangun sebuah tembok.
Adapun yang kedua, Ya’juj wa-Ma’juj diuraikan dalam Al-Qur’an sbb : “Sampai tatkala Ya’juj wa-Ma’juj dilepas, mereka akan mengalir dari tiap-tiap tempat tinggi” (20:96). Ternyata bahwa yang dimaksud dengan kalimat “mengalir dari tiap-tiap tempat yang tinggi” ialah bahwa mereka akan menguasai seluruh dunia. Menilik cara Al-Qur’an menerangkan Ya’juj wa-Ma’juj dalam dua tempat tersebut, terang sekali bahwa akan tiba saatnya Ya’juj wa-Ma’juj mengalahkan sekalian bangsa di dunia. Dan terang pula bahwa pada waktu Al-Qur’an diturunkan, Ya’juj wa-Â Ma’juj sudah ada, tetapi gerak-gerik mereka masih tetap terkekang sampai saat tertentu, yang sesudah itu, mereka akan terlepas untuk
menguasai seluruh dunia.
versi bibel >>>


Dalam Islam perbincangan tentang eskatologi menjadi sebuah bidang tersendiri sebagai refleksi pengungkapan dimensi-dimensi metafisis dan ketuhanan yang berlandaskan pada ayat-ayat yang termaktub di dalam al-Qur’ān.
Eskatologi berasal dari kata eschalos dalam bahasa Yunani yang berarti “yang terakhir”, “yang selanjutnya”, dan “yang paling jauh”. Secara umum merupakan keyakinan yang berkaitan dengan kejadian-kejadian akhir hidup manusia seperti kematian, hari kiamat, hari berakhirnya dunia, saat akhir sejarah, dan lain-lain. Ketika kata eschalos disandingkan dengan kata logos yang menjadi eskatologi dalam bahasa Indonesia berarti ilmu atau pengetahuan tentang hal-hal akhir, hal-hal pamungkas, atau yang menyangkut realitas akhirat sebagai akhir kehidupan seperti kematian, kebangkitan, pengadilan terakhir, serta kiamat sebagai akhir dunia. Secara ringkas, seorang ilmuwan barat Barnhart menjelaskan, “Eschatology is a doctrine of the last or final things, specially death, judgement, heaven and hell.”
Aspek eskatologi dalam al-Quran menempati satu posisi yang amat penting. Berbeda dengan kitab-kitab lain, al-Quran lebih terperinci menjelaskan berbagai peristiwa yang akan terjadi pada hari kiamat. Namun, tentang kapan datangnya hari Kiamat, maka al-Qur’an menjelaskannya sebagai berikut :
“Mereka bertanya kepadamu tentang Kiamat: ‘Kapankah terjadinya.’ Katakanlah: ‘Sesungguhnya pengetahuan tentang hari Kiamat itu adalah pada sisi Rabb-ku; tidak seorang pun yang dapat menjelaskan waktu kedatangannya selain Dia. Kiamat itu amat berat (huru-haranya bagi makhluk) yang di langit dan di bumi. Kiamat itu tidak akan datang kepadamu melainkan dengan tiba-tiba.’ Mereka bertanya kepadamu seakan-akan kamu benar-benar mengetahuinya. Katakanlah: ‘Sesungguhnya pengetahuan tentang hari Kiamat itu adalah di sisi Allah, tetapi kebanyakan manusia tidak mengetahui.’” [Al-A’raaf: 187]
Dalam ayat lain dijelaskan : “Manusia bertanya kepadamu tentang hari Berbangkit. Katakanlah: ‘Sesungguhnya pengetahuan tentang hari Berbangkit itu hanya di sisi Allah.’ Dan tahukah kamu wahai (Muhammad), boleh jadi hari Berbangkit itu sudah dekat waktunya.” [Al-Ahzaab: 63].
Juga ketika Malaikat Jibril mendatangi Nabi Muhammad Saw. kemudian bertanya: “Kabarkanlah kepadaku, kapan terjadi Kiamat?” Kemudian Nabi Saw. menjawab: “Tidaklah orang yang ditanya lebih mengetahui daripada orang yang bertanya.”
Maka jelaslah tidak ada seorang pun yang mengetahui kapan akan terjadinya hari kiamat, baik Malaikat, Nabi, maupun Rasul, masalah ini adalah perkara ghaib dan hanya Allah Swt. sajalah yang mengetahuinya. Meskipun waktu terjadinya hari Kiamat tidak ada yang mengetahuinya, akan tetapi Allah Swt. memberitahukan kepada Rasul-Nya tentang tanda-tanda Kiamat tersebut. Kemudian Rasulullah Saw. menyampaikan kepada ummatnya tentang tanda-tanda Kiamat. Para ulama membaginya menjadi dua: (pertama) tanda-tanda kecil dan (kedua) tanda-tanda besar.
Belakangan ini muncul isu kiamat akan tiba pada tahun 2012. Isu ini semakin hebat dibicarakan dimana-mana seiring semakin dekatnya tahun 2012, yang hanya 3 tahun dari sekarang. Bahkan muncul juga film dengan judul 2012 yang menceritakan akan terjadi kiamat pada tahun tersebut. Penulis tidak tahu siapa yang membawa isu ini, namun dari hasil browsing internet ada yang menyatakan bahwa isu ini berawal dari manuskrip suku Maya Kuno di Meksiko yang meramalkan bahwa tahun 2012 gelombang galaksi yang besar-besaran akan muncul yang mengakibatkan semua kegiatan di muka Bumi kita bermukim terhenti. Suku Maya merupakan salah satu suku kuno di dunia ini yang dikenal sebagai suku yang sangat detil memperhatikan dan menghitung bintang-bintang dan benda langit lainnya.
Lalu dalam buku ‘Apocalypse 2012’ (Lawrence E.Joseph: 2007), penulis berdarah Lebanon yang menjabat sebagai Ketua Dewan Direksi Aerospace Consulting Corporation di New Mexico ini dipaparkan dengan sangat jelas dan juga ilmiah tentang kemungkinan terjadinya bencana alam di tahun tersebut. 
Bencana itu antara lain: siklus aktivitas matahari yang memuncak di tahun 2012 yang menyebabkan panas yang luar biasa di bumi, terlebih atmosfer kita sudah mengalami penipisan dan bolong di beberapa bagian sehingga selain memanaskan bumi dengan radikal juga melelehkan es di kutub dan juga menimbulkan badai serta topan yang dahsyat. 
Medan magnet bumi yang berfungsi sebagai pertahanan utama bumi terhadap radiasi sinar matahari mulai retak bahkan ada yang sampai sebesar kota California di sana-sini. Pergeseran kutub juga tengah berlangsung. 
Tata surya kita tengah memasuki medan awan energi antar bintang. Awan itu mengaktifkan dan merusak keseimbangan matahari serta atmosfer planet-planet. Para ahli geofisika Rusia berpendapat bahwa ketika bumi akan memasuki awan energi tersebut di tahun 2010 hingga 2020 dan akan menimbulkan bencana besar yang belum pernah ada sebelumnya. 
Fisikawan UC Berkeley menyatakan dinosaurus serta spesies lainnya telah punah akibat tumbukan asteroid raksasa 65 juta tahun silam. Menurut siklus yang diperhitungkan secara ilmiah, seharusnya hal itu sudah terjadi lagi di saat-saat sekarang. 
Supervulkan Yellowstone yang memiliki siklus letusan dahsyat setiap 600 hingga 700 ribu tahun tengah bersiap untuk meletus kembali. Beberapa perhitunmgan ilmiah lainnya turut mendukung pandangan ini. 
Bahkan seorang tokoh spiritual Yahudi dunia bernama Titzchak Qadduri jauh-jauh hari sudah menyerukan kaum Yahudi agar sesegera mungkin meninggalkan daratan Amerika Serikat karena menurut perhitungannya, sebuah komet atau asteroid raksasa tengah meluncur di alam semesta dan mengarah serta akan menumbuk menuju daratan Amerika. 
Penulis juga menemukan ada pendapat yang menyatakan bahwa penyebab lain terjadi kiamat 2012, yakni rencana jahat zionis Israel untuk menciptakan tatanan dunia baru atau The New World Order. Dunia baru yang dicanangkan oleh kelompok zionis Israel nantinya dengan mengurangi jumlah penduduk bumi hingga 90% dan menyisakan penduduk yang adalah golongannya sendiri.
Pengurangan jumlah ini didasari fakta bahwa dunia kita mempunyai terlalu banyak penduduk, sehingga sumber daya alam tidak mampu lagi menopang kebutuhan seluruh penduduk bumi yang berjumlah 6 milyar. Oleh karenanya di perlukan pengurangan penduduk dengan jumlah sangat besar, sehingga The New World nantinya benar-benar perwujudan dunia baru yang hanya di huni oleh mahluk-mahluk pilihan.
Penulis tidak tahu yang mana pendapat yang benar, dan juga tidak tahu apakah benar di tahun 2012 nanti akan terjadi kiamat. Namun yang pasti kiamat pastilah akan terjadi. Apalagi tanda-tanda kiamat yang dijabarkan Rasulullah Saw telah sangat jelas tampak dihadapan kita. 
Banyak orang barangkali belum menyadari bahwa kondisi dunia dewasa ini ialah dalam kondisi dimana hampir segenap tanda-tanda kecil Kiamat yang diprediksikan oleh Nabi Muhammad Saw. telah bermunculan semua.  Coba perhatikan beberapa contoh tanda-tanda kecil Kiamat berikut ini:
  • Perceraian banyak terjadi
  • Banyak terjadi kematian mendadak (tiba-tiba)
  • Banyak mushaf diberi hiasan (ornamen)
  • Masjid-masjid dibangun megah-megah tetapi sedikit sekali yang beribadah di dalamnya   
  • Berbagai perjanjian dan transaksi dilanggar sepihak    
  • Berbagai peralatan musik dimainkan
  • Berbagai jenis khamr diminum manusia
  • Perzinaan dilakukan terang-terangan  
  • Para pengkhianat dipercaya (diberi jabatan kepemimpinan)   
  • Orang yang amanah dianggap pengkhianat (penjahat/teroris)  
  • Tersebarnya Pena (banyak buku diterbitkan)  
  • Pasar-pasar (Mall, Plaza, Supermarket) berdekatan 
  • Penumpahan darah dianggap ringan        
  • Banyak pemakan riba
  • Merebaknya perjudian
  • Ghibah (gosip) menyebar di mana-mana
  • Banyak anak yang menentang orang tuanya 
  • Banyak wanita berpakaian tapi telanjang
Jadi kalau kita perhatikan, contoh-contoh di atas jelas sudah kita jumpai di zaman kita dewasa ini. Bahkan bila kita buka kitab para Ulama yang menghimpun hadits-hadits mengenai tanda-tanda kecil Kiamat, lalu kita baca satu per satu hadits-hadits tersebut hampir pasti setiap satu hadits selesai kita baca kita akan segera bergumam di dalam hati: “Wah, yang ini sudah..!” Hal ini akan selalu terjadi setiap habis kita baca satu hadits. Laa haula wa laa quwwata illa billah....
Jika tanda-tanda kecil Kiamat sudah hampir muncul seluruhnya berarti kondisi dunia dewasa ini berada di ambang menyambut kedatangan tanda-tanda besar Kiamat. Dan bila asumsi ini benar, berarti dalam waktu dekat kita semua sudah harus bersiap-siap untuk menyambut datangnya tanda penghubung antara tanda-tanda kecil Kiamat dengan tanda-tanda besar Kiamat, yaitu diutusnya Imam Mahdi ke tengah ummat Islam. Hal ini menjadi selaras dengan isyarat yang diungkapkan Rasulullah Saw. mengenai dua pra-kondisi menjelang diutusnya Imam Mahdi.
 “Aku kabarkan berita gembira mengenai Al-Mahdi yang diutus Allah ke tengah ummatku ketika banyak terjadi perselisihan antar-manusia dan gempa-gempa.  Ia akan memenuhi bumi dengan keadilan dan kejujuran sebagaimana sebelumnya dipenuhi dengan kese-wenang-wenangan dan kezaliman.”  (HR Ahmad).
Jika masa itu telah dilalui berarti akan tiba masa di mana akan muncul tanda-tanda besar kiamat. Di antara tanda-tanda besar akan terjadinya hari kiamat dijelaskan oleh.Rasulullah Saw. dalam sabdanya:
“Hari Kiamat tidak akan terjadi sehingga kalian melihat sepuluh tanda: (1) penenggelaman permukaan bumi di timur, (2) penenggelaman permukaan bumi di barat, (3) penenggelaman permukaan bumi di Jazirah Arab, (4) keluarnya asap, (5) keluarnya Dajjal, (6) keluarnya binatang besar, (7) keluarnya Ya’juj wa Ma’juj, (8) terbitnya matahari dari barat, dan (9) api yang keluar dari dasar bumi ‘Adn yang menggiring manusia, serta (10) turunnya ‘Isa bin Maryam Alaihissalam.”
Marilah kita menyikapi berbagai informasi ini dengan positif, entah kapan kiamat akan tiba, yang pasti ia akan tiba, hal ini sebagai pengingat bagi kita agar sadar bahwa bumi ini tidak abadi nantinya akan ada hari kiamat dan kehidupan akhirat yang kekal dan abadi dimana kita semua dimintai pertanggung-jawaban di hadapan Sang Maha Pencipta, maka berbuat baiklah kepada seluruh makhluk-Nya sebagai bekal menghadap-Nya. Jika memang tahun 2012 akan kiamat, semata-mata karena kehendak-Nya. Allah SWT pemilik rahasia ini, manusia tidak mungkin dapat mengetahuinya, Wallahu a’lam bisshowab.